Sunday, 13 May 2012

6 Questions to ask yourself before you buy a car.

At the showroom we deal with plenty of enthusiasts, but sometimes clients dont know what sort of car they want. Before you purchase a car, you should ask yourself a few questions. The last thing you want to do is buy a car only to realise its not for you. Then go through the hassle of re-selling and purchasing. As your aware this will cost you more time and money.

Top Secret Showroom

1. What are you going to do with the car?
    -Drift, Drag, Track, None?

2. Is it for the weekend?
    - Longdrives, cruises, camping?

3. Will you be driving it to work?
    - Fuel consumption, reliability?

4. Who else will be driving the car?
    - partners, family, do you have kids?

5. Do you plan to modify the car?
    - what sort of power are you after? what will this cost?

6. Are you aware of the maintenance and servicing costs of the car?
   - what will my servicing costs be? brakes, oil changes?

By beginning with the end in mind you will be able to make a much more informed decision and buy something that suites your needs. If you'd like some help purchasing your next car or some general information regarding this topic please call us at the showroom. If you're in the process of purchasing and would like to receive a FREE vehicle inspection call us at the service centre today! We can also help you with servicing and modification questions.

Top Secret Imports (Showroom)                                                   
t02 96222 333
a36 Forge Street, Blacktown NSW 2148                

Top Secret Service Centre
t02 9621 5700
aUnit 2, 1-3 Carnegie Street, Blacktown NSW 2148

Jack Sandher

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